Below are links to Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation’s previous Annual Reports and Year in Review that highlight fiscal year growth. FY2019 Year in Review FY2018 Annual Report FY2017 Annual Report
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Why Early Literacy Matters Fact Sheet: Birth-5 Impacts
Below is a link to our Why Early Literacy Matters Fact Sheet. This graphic outlines the impacts of reading, literacy and books in the home on a young child’s early brain development. These statistics have been compiled and summarized from research studies and reports...
State of Early Literacy Fact Sheet: Impacts on Education, Health, Workforce and Crime
Below is a link to our State of Early Literacy Fact Sheet. This one-pager outlines current statewide and national 3rd grade reading proficiency levels and the impact of literacy and 3rd grade reading on education, workforce development and crime. These statistics have...