In the fall, Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation President James Pond was featured on the Tennessee Commission of Children & Youth podcast, Roots & Wings, discussing the Foundation’s early literacy mission and vision for the future.
In the fall, Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation President James Pond was featured on the Tennessee Commission of Children & Youth podcast, Roots & Wings, discussing the Foundation’s early literacy mission and vision for the future.
kidcentral tn included the above podcast in their recent newsletter. “Research shows young children who are read to three or more times a week are nearly twice as likely to show advanced literacy skills. The Governor’s Book From Birth Foundation works to promote early childhood literacy for children in Tennessee between birth and 5-years-old. On the most recent episode of the Roots and Wings podcast, GBBF discusses why early childhood literacy is so important and what they’re doing to promote childhood literacy across the state! “

Please note: The interview and newsletter article were posted prior to our name change from Governor’s Books from Birth to Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation